If you think you don't like ham or you've had ham that is boring and too chewy you must try Guy's (as in Guy's Big Bite
That was a great day of birthday celebrations, wrapping up a fun holiday season. In our family we celebrate with food and lots of it! 6 hours in the kictchen and it was well worth it. We ripped that ham to shreads, we devoured a rocky road cheescake in record time and all that remained was a ham bone. One lone ham bone that had too much potential to go to waste. Wrapped tight and waiting pateiently in it's frozen abode I thought long and hard about how to proceed.
Pea Soup
Navy Bean Stew
I got distracted from the bone. Life went on. Billy moved to town. Billy saw the bone. Billy inquired. Billy hates ham. Billy likes soup. Billy brought me fresh East Indian yellow curry from Toronto. Billy wanted to try lentils. Ian hates lentils. Ian likes ham...
This is how the magic happens. I'm unexpectedly inspired. I'll lose sleep over a ham bone, but I'm also entertained, "The ham bone's connected to the soup bone. The soup bone's connected to the veggie bone." I live for this. I'm inspired and passionate and in the end it brings me together with the people I love and we all savor in the flavour of it all. They may not join in on the singing, but hey, I get down.
If I could only be so passionate about the kitchen clean-up ;)
P.S. I'd like to thank Melanie for the Rocky Road Cheesecake. I could never compete with her recipe. Maybe she'll let me post it one day ;) Everyone should experience such decadence!
P.P.S. mmmmmmmmmmm Cheesecake
Perhaps I will let you post it IF I get that Chili recipe...Cmon post the recipe and nobody has to get hurt!